Keep Your Backyard Bite-Free in Tennessee!
Most people know the common annoyances of fleas for cats, dogs, and sometimes even humans. Their bites are itchy, their saliva can be an allergen causing rashes, and they can cause skin problems when your cat or dog scratches incessantly. What many people don’t realize is that fleas actually carry diseases just like mosquitoes and ticks.
Fleas Can Be Harmful Too!
Fleas find hosts and those hosts are warm-blooded animals. Naturally, they are usually dogs and cats, but they can also be opossums, rats, and other rodents. According to the ASPCA, since fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood, they can cause anemia and a significant amount of blood loss over time. They can even cause tapeworm.
Fleas & Your Pets
A female flea can lay 2,000 eggs, and fleas can bite up to 400 times a day so you should have a flea prevention plan in place to keep your home and pets protected. If you have pets, veterinarians recommend a monthly flea and tick preventive give once a month during all seasons.
Fleas have a complex life cycle, and this makes them particularly difficult to control and eliminate. Luckily, there are several tactics that pet and homeowners can employ to prevent an infestation. Some of these options include:
- Topical Medications
- Oral Medications
- Sprays
- Shampoos
- Collars
- Diatomaceous Earth (A naturally occurring soft rock that you can sprinkle in various places that fleas congregate to dry them out and kill them)
- Professional Flea Control
Why Choose Mosquito Joe For Your Professional Flea Control Service in Knoxville, TN?
Fleas are incredibly stubborn pests and can be tough to eliminate. A comprehensive approach to flea control is the best method to make sure that you and your pets can enjoy your yard free of biters. Regular barrier sprays from Mosquito Joe are your best bet at total flea control in Knoxville, TN! Call us today or request a quote online.
Common Questions about Fleas in Knoxville, TN
How do you know if you have a flea infestation?
One clue that you might be dealing with a flea infestation is if you see them hopping on your furniture, drapery, or carpet. A more subtle hint is if your pets start to bite, scratch, and lick their fur excessively. Because fleas breed so quickly, it’s likely that if you uncover one or two, you’ve got an infestation on your hands, or at least one looming on the horizon. The experts at Mosquito Joe of West Knoxville can help you take immediate action to stop these pests dead in their tracks.
How did I get fleas?
There are several ways you might get fleas. One quite common way is through contact with animals like deer, raccoons, and rodents. All these animals can carry fleas, and since they are prevalent in the Knoxville area, the chances of fleas making their way onto your property are increased. Another explanation is that your neighbors’ pets introduced fleas to your spaces. It doesn’t take long for fleas to be transferred and start an infestation; just a quick trip through your yard by the neighbor’s dog could do it.